Some Special Facts About Blogger Blogs

  1. A drag & drop template editing interface,
  2. Reading permissions,
  3. Web feed options,
  4. Label organization,
  5. Dynamic updation,
  6. Image & Video handling,
  7. HTML (raw) conversion,
  8. Adding location to posts: Geotagging,
  9. Post time-stamping while publishing,
  10. Vertical re-sizing of the post editor,
  11. Compose mode link editing,
  12. Available in 50+ languages world over,
  13. Country specific URL addresses,
  14. Support to Windows, Safari 3, & Mac OS Systems,
  15. Embeds are movable in compose mode,
  16. Supports Google's Adsense service,
  17. Offers multiple author support,
  18. Windows Live Writer publishes posts directly to blogger,
  19. Google Toolbar has a feature called 'Blog This!', which allows toolbar users having blogger accounts to post links directly to their blogs,
  20. Offers a private blog feature that can be accessed by author or invited friends or admins only,
  21. Mobile users can post and edit blogs, & also share photos and links on blogger via their mobile devices,
  22. Official support channel is Blogger Product Forum.

  1. Number of blogs: 100 blogs per one user account,
  2. Number of labels: 5000 unique labels per blog, & 20 unique labels per post,
  3. 15 GB of free storage, shared between Google+, Google Drive, & GMail,
  4. No limit on number of posts,
  5. Individual page is limited to 1 MB size,
  6. Limited to 20 stand-alone pages,
  7. There can be maximum 100 invited authors per blog,
  8. Any square image less than 100 KB size can be uploaded to be used as Favicon,
  9. If posted via Blogger Mobile, size of pictures are limited to 300 KB per picture, scaled to 1600 pixels. 
Apple MacBook Pro MD101LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION)

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